If you’re a service-based entrepreneur or professional who is looking to build awareness, grow their business consistently, and transform the lives or businesses of their clients, you’re in the right place! If you’re feeling overwhelmed about how to grow your business and bring in qualified clients, we show you show how to do this systematically so that you will have a process in place that you can use for years to come. We teach simple and authentic growth strategies coupled with mindset techniques to help you overcome the many obstacles that entrepreneurs face daily in their business. We teach you proven ways to build credibility and get your clients to say yes to your services. We believe that consistency, authenticity and clarity sell. We walk you through each step of the way so that you implement with ease and confidence.
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Here’s what our clients are saying about us:

Karen G.

"In less than 2 months, Sylvia more than doubled my monthly income (for real!!). She's a great communicator, asked wise questions, directed my energy into collecting relevant information, and pushed me (just enough) to take educated risks that ultimately lead to this result and my clients are happier too! There is still a lot more for me to learn to increase my exposure, improve my marketing, protect my referral base and I look forward to seeing what else Sylvia has to keep me moving forward.”

Barbara K.

“I am slowly transitioning into the financial services industry after having worked in a completely different field for more than twenty years. Initially I did not have a clue how to develop an effective marketing strategy. Sylvia provided me with a prospecting plan that is customized to my ideal client. She always follows up with me to ensure that the plan is put into action. After having worked with Sylvia, the results have been quite remarkable.”

Sandra M.

“I was looking for a proven process to get results when networking and meeting prospective clients. In addition, I struggled with asking for referrals and keeping to my goals of only working with my ideal clients. After joining Sylvia’s program, I was much more confident in “pitching” an ongoing relationship with my one-time clients and it resulted in converting 2 new clients to become ongoing ones!”

About the Instructor

Sylvia Garibaldi

Business Coach, SG and Associates

Sylvia Garibaldi

Sylvia Garibaldi, Founder, SG and Associates is an energetic and passionate Business Coach with over 10 years of experience helping hundreds of high earning service professionals achieve outstanding results in their business. As an accomplished coach and business strategist for service-based professionals and experts, Sylvia can get right to the source of the challenge, lay out a rock-solid success strategy and keep her clients on track to reach their goals. By motivating and inspiring clients, Sylvia’s valuable insights also allows them to stand out and become well-known experts in their respective industries. She is a big advocate of educating and coaching her clients on how to consistently grow one’s business while creating deep and lasting relationships. When combining tested and proven business-building strategies with inner game techniques, Sylvia has helped her clients achieve outstanding results. She is sought-out by various industries to provide insights and contribute to well-known publications. She holds both an Honours Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Commerce. Her mission is simple but powerful: to help as many professionals and experts transform their businesses and lives in ways they may not yet have imagined.